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Original Head Unit advice

  Clio 1.6 RXE
Hi guys,

I'm soon to be selling my clio, and would like to put it back to standard (well, as much as possible).
i currently have a clarion head unit, and would now like to re-install a standard renault head unit.
My original unit was only a radio casette, but i would now like to install a cd player (preferably with cd changer).
The problem i have is that i'm not sure what unit would work with my steering controls and dash display... i mean, would a cd player from a later model clio work the same? (i have a '98 Mk2 Ph2).
I have also noticed these 'tuner list' head units... how would i know if my original was tuner list? and could i still install a tuner list unit even if i didn't have one in the first place?


i should think any unit to the same size thats also stalk compatible will be fine as there all iso standard the lil yellow plug is the one for ya stalk;)
  Clio 1.6 RXE
thats what i thought, ... i just wasn't sure if there was any changes in wiring/connectors for the stalk and dash display from the Mk2 Ph1 and mk2 Ph2/3

edit: sorry, i have just noticed that i said i have a mk2 ph2 in the original post... it's actually a ph1 (sorry, it's late! )
