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Personalise Plates

  Current ride - my Adidas!
depends. probably dvla as theirs include transfer fee etc but they haven't got such an extensive amount of older plates as some of the others like newreg
  Clio 182 Cup
depends. probably dvla as theirs include transfer fee etc but they haven't got such an extensive amount of older plates as some of the others like newreg
Its a new one that i want. Looked on a few websites the one i want is avalible but seems the prices vary alot
  Current ride - my Adidas!
yeh think we all agree there, dvla. beware other sites that add a few other charges like vat and transfer fee to the initial price they show. dvla r inclusive of those
  LY V6 with Recaros
As others said, DVLA. Other sites might look cheap, but they don't include all the fees so it works out more expensive.


  04 Clio 16V Dynamique
As above..Try newreg thats where I got mine from.
IIRC It was listed at around 400 ended up paying 700ish for it inc fees
  Mk2 Phase 2 Clio
I got mine from dvla about 2 years ago, cost me £250.
I got a letter through last week offering me £800 for it....
Think am onto a winner

  RS6+ & 40d MSport X5
was it reg transfers bazza?

they offered me £1200 for mines n i only paid £250
RT are poop imo, they don't actually offer you the money at all (well they didn't me anyway) they said 'if we get a buyer we give you x amount'

They currenly have a plate of mine up for 8k (no joke) if you search for it. Yet told me it was only worth 2k tops. Jokers !
