Me and Nicky182 went out for a blast yesterday morning:evil:, took some photo's and Nick Tarantino knocked up a cracking vid of the day:star: Let me know what you guys&girls think. I tried to keep the picture sizes down
Heres the vid. Deffo worth a watch!(featuring an appearance by an M6)
if that doesnt work try¤t=NAIVE-12.flv
The pics
The 2 for 1 toll booth
Who's that 12 year old gimp on the slide!
Must of had the air con on!! Bloody full fat owners!!!:rasp:
The magical hungover shorts......good idea at the time eh nick
Courtsey of nicks photoshop skills!!! tw*t
Heres the vid. Deffo worth a watch!(featuring an appearance by an M6)
if that doesnt work try¤t=NAIVE-12.flv
The pics
The 2 for 1 toll booth
Who's that 12 year old gimp on the slide!
Must of had the air con on!! Bloody full fat owners!!!:rasp:
The magical hungover shorts......good idea at the time eh nick
Courtsey of nicks photoshop skills!!! tw*t
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