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Potential newbie! Convince me!

  172 Sport
Hello all!

My names Jardo, I'm from Plymouth. Looking at Clio Sports as my next car!

I've been reading up and looking around at 172's for some time now, I've currently got a 220+bhp A3 1.8T and I'm looking for something a bit more "engaging".

Thought I'd join up on the forum and find out some real information about them, I'm fed up of asking people who haven't a clue!

A few cars from my back catalogue to keep you all intrigued...

Mk2 Golf with a load of mods...



My lovely 205 GTI with full Group N mods and loads of other bits, it came to a sticky end with a raised curb though...




A 300BHP 900T16 I had for a while, nice and fast :) I love a Swedish barge!


I've had hundreds of cars, all for short periods of I want something proper to settle down with.

Most importantly though, I'd love some good views and the pro's and cons of the 172's/182's. What are they like to live with, what sort of scope for modification do they have, running costs (not that I care...) and any tips on insurance would be brilliant, I'm 19 with two years high power NCB so I *should* be fine?

A preemptive thanks for any help! Fingers crossed your guidance and advice can get me away from the keyboard and behind the wheel!

Hello mate, welcome to CS :)

Nice collection of quick cars you've had there, you should feel right at home with the cliosport 1*2, i love mine and you will find there is massive scope for more power and the only real constraints are how deep your pockets go.........there are quite a few supercharged ones about and a few companies are doing them now with good results, turbo'd clio's seem to be popular too but to be honest i like mine with just a few slight mods to keep things almost standard, just the exhaust was enough for me but there are a few more stuff to get if you want to get the real clio experience........or just buy a trophy and you're halfway there already :)


ClioSport Club Member
Dont do it, once you buy one and join this forum you will spend money constantly on mods lol

I got mine last year when i was 19, there's a few of us 'young' people on here now! Great little cars though, for the money you cant go wrong.

Easy to live with day to day (i presume, i dont use mine day to day lol), mods are plentifull now, and they cost peanuts to run tbh.
  Renault Clio 1.6 RXE
If you drive a clio, i think you will find the most convincing arguement to buy one right there, great cars:)


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Pro's... Cheap, relatively quick, loads of advice on here (Best car forum ever tbh) handle rediculously well once tweaked, engines will go on for a long long time if maintained properly, very cheap to run relatively speaking, can fit 15 inch wheels and halve your tyre costs, will do 30/35mpg all day, well spec'd.

Cons... Will cost you best part of £3k to get just 20hp out of it, cambelts cost a fortune (72k or 5yr intervals), lots of chavs driving them now, rattle like a skeleton having a w4nk in a filing cabinet, standard exhausts fall off every other weekend, fcuk all legroom in the back.

Thats all I can think of as i'm half pissed.

Welcome to the club btw.
  172 Sport
Excellent work, they sound right up my street! Cheers for the welcomes and views, gives me a bit more to think about!

Could somebody give me the spec differences between a cup and a standard sport? I guessed the Cup was lighter weight, but wasn't sure where or how? I guess for daily driving a 172 sport would be a better choice?

Also how much am I going to be looking at spending? I see them sell from anything between £1000 and £4000, so based on that i'm setting aside about 2k. Sound about right? What would I have to look out for on the cheaper ones, obviously mileage, service history and condition but what are the sport specific things i'll need to check for?

Thanks again guys :)


ClioSport Moderator
When/If you become a member, I've created a guide (which is in the guides section) featuring exterior styling differences between the Mk2 Renault Sport Clio, there's also one hell of a lot of guides in general in there tbh.

But a basic break down:

Mk2 Ph1 172 (also known as ph-quick) Features: Ph1 styling, (i.e headlights different shape, front/rear bumper, basically mean as f**k), blue leather interior, ph1 dashboard, cable throttle, aircon, 15" o.z f1 wheels, standard sport spoiler.

Mk2 Ph2 172 Features: Ph2 styling (same things different as above) Ph2 darker blue/black/grey leather, aircon, ph2 dash, fly-by-wire throttle, 16" 172 style Renault Sport wheels, standard sport spoiler, Xenon headlights.

Mk2 Ph2 172 Cup (a lighter, more raw car, only came in blue) Features: Ph2 styling, non leather, no aircon, sound deadening removed, FBW throttle, 16" speedline turini alloy wheels, cup spoiler, no ABS, no Xenons, wider track due to alloy wheel offset, slightly lower.

MK2 Ph2 182 Features: Same spec as Mk2 Ph2 172, but with climate control, 16" Renault Sport 182 style alloy wheels, twin exhausts from the bumper.

This came as a few options:

182 Cup (only in racing blue or inferno orange had cup spoiler) basically stripped out similar to the Mk2 Ph2 172 Cup.

182FF which is the same as the spec above, but with "Cup Packs"

The cup packs were:

"Spoiler Pack" A rear spoiler and front splitter

"Suspension Pack" Lower stiffer suspension, also the 182 wheels were done grey with this option.

Ok, so that's all I'm typing, too much work!

The above is a timeline too, going oldest to newest.
  Stagecoach Ticket
for 2k id get a good condition ph1, would say thats its more engadged and fun than a ph2 but lacks the refinement so might be a big jump for your a3 which is a nice car.

3-3.5k would get you a nice ph2 which is still fun and quickish but a little bit nicer inside and more comfy

  172 Sport
If and when i get one it will be one of the first things i do!

Got a couple i'm going to see on Tuesday, a ph2 cup and a ph1 to play with. I'm going to get the best i can then keep it as best i can, none of these cheap fixes and bodged mods for me! Haha


ClioSport Moderator
The ph1 is a more raw car, it just depends what you want?

Oh and bear in mind the ph1 is coming up for or should have had its second belt change already.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
My two pence worth. Had a 182 18 months ago for a grand total of 4 weeks. Didnt like it. Had my ph1 sport for three weeks and love it.

