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power caps


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
Why are they such a bad idea in a car, some people say they work others dont ?


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
was lookin at getting 1 but may just get a optima bat instead, dont want to split charge thou
  Polo + Micra
definatly get an optima. i've just put one in my car and it holds itself above 12v with the engine off with about 1200wRMS coming out of it


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
cool thats what i was thinkin, Im running a hifonics brutus 1600d which is running a c v stroker 15 @1600rms 1ohm and a 4 ch genesis profile on focal speakers in a 182. any idea on what size bat and colour as there seams to be red and yellow?
  Polo + Micra
get a yellow one. i believe it's a D34 size you want

the only thing is the terminal are on the oppersite side of the batt. i need to extend the cables coming from my fuse box under the bonnet


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
cheers for the info, should stop the clock dimming lol. where did you get yours from not sure bout that model but they seam to range from £100-£150 on the net
