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quick detailer

  BMW F31
following on from the dry your car thread i was wondering, if i were to wash my car down, could i then use my dodo red mist QD sprayed directly on to the wet car and using a microfibre towel to dry and QD at the same time?

previously i have dried the car first then gone round with QD.
lol at both aids and dying

it doesnt aid drying, it stops the towels marring the surface as it puts down "lubricants" in between the paintwork and the towels


edit - so in answer to your first question, yes, that is the idea
  BMW F31
lol at both aids and dying

it doesnt aid drying, it stops the towels marring the surface as it puts down "lubricants" in between the paintwork and the towels


edit - so in answer to your first question, yes, that is the idea

so is the best process, to wash down, then go over with QD and towel until dry etc?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
lol at both aids and dying

it doesnt aid drying, it stops the towels marring the surface as it puts down "lubricants" in between the paintwork and the towels

Pmsl! My grammar is always spot on as well. I've seen enough of you today anyway! Aids! Pmsl!
  Ph1 172 + Combo van
1 spray of last touch or britemax QD on the panel then go over it with the drying towel. 2 sprays for bigger panels such as bonnet and roof.
so is the best process, to wash down, then go over with QD and towel until dry etc?


Pmsl! My grammar is always spot on as well. I've seen enough of you today anyway! Aids! Pmsl!

pmsl, loves it!

1 spray of last touch or britemax QD on the panel then go over it with the drying towel. 2 sprays for bigger panels such as bonnet and roof.

top man, i spray it and move the bottle, so that each "spritz" covers as much of the panel as poss :)


ClioSport Club Member
  GW X200 CUP
I wouldnt recommend using the dodo QD as a drying aid as it will soon run out and it aint the best value product. Last Touch FTW.
  200 Gordini
Red mist IS NOT a drying aid. The panel should be dry before using it!

Get something else, Last touch is cheap and does a great job for this purpose
As above, this is a spray sealant and not a drying aid - it will leave a right mess behind

Time to Dry:

Is your friend :)

Last Touch is okay too. Finish Kare 425 be the daddy.

regarding the time to dry;

"Please note that because it destroys beading, the beading effect of a wax will be reduced if this product is used (it won't remove the wax, just prevent it beading; protection will remain in place). Dodo Juice recommends a final spray of Red Mist to reintroduce the beading effect, if necessary."

b****cks to that lol

but still an interesting product that i was not aware of. still love the megs range though, 5 litre bottles ftw


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
DOdo my arse

TO dry either use Megs / Chemical synthetic detailer, or if your lazy and want a half decent job use Duragloss Aquawax
  Megane R26
Lol, nice Riz.

The bead killing shizzle is a bit random, but the idea is you buy Red Mist too, to top it up.

Last Touch does the job tbh. 3.8L for £18, but it dilutes 1:1 with council pop.
  Megane 225
regarding the time to dry;

"Please note that because it destroys beading, the beading effect of a wax will be reduced if this product is used (it won't remove the wax, just prevent it beading; protection will remain in place). Dodo Juice recommends a final spray of Red Mist to reintroduce the beading effect, if necessary."

b****cks to that lol

but still an interesting product that i was not aware of. still love the megs range though, 5 litre bottles ftw

Are Dodo actually saying there was a beading effect in the 1st Place? I thought it dissapeared after the first wash anyways! Lol
  Megane R26
Are Dodo actually saying there was a beading effect in the 1st Place? I thought it dissapeared after the first wash anyways! Lol

If you have some wax on (say their Supernatural) which beads for a good few months, then this product will kill the beading properties.

The idea is that you top up afterwards with Red Mist - quite clever really, kind of makes you dependent on other parts of the range.

It is a great product, but having to always top up your wax is a bit of a pisser.


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
so is it best to use the dodo 'time to dry' to help dry the car then the red mist when it is dry ??

YOu can or use megs detailer or Chem guys synthetic detailer to dry and ZAino Z8 instead of red mist
  Megane R26
so is it best to use the dodo 'time to dry' to help dry the car then the red mist when it is dry ??

If you want to stick with Dodo then yes, they are designed to work together.

As Riz said though, there are alternatives.
