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Quick Ins. Question

i know this has been covered before, but ive been asked to make sure....

if i add my mum to my policy as a named driver (to bring down premium) will she be affected if i have to make a claim?

the policy will be in my name, but with my mum bolted on. She has agreed to doin this, but wants to make sure she wont be affected in any way.

many thanks for any comments.

I would imagine she would only be affected if she drives it and you have to make a claim as a result of her damaging your or somebody elses car
  172 mk2

she wont be penalised. thats the whole point of putting the cover in your name. u take all the stick for whatever happens to the car. on some polices u can have unmaned drivers ie poeple who can use the car if meet certain creitea (over 21 etc). how would u give points to a person who wasnt named.
