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Rear Deflector's (Behind Rear Discs)

  Clio 172 Mk2
Hi guys,

I changed both my rear discs over the weekend and I noticed both of the deflectors were looking very work with cracks in what to me looks like the ceramic filling.

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direct of where to get some replacements as Google has been hopeless (but to be honest it might be me not describing things correctly) or let me know a part number so I can get onto my Renault Dealer.

Thanks in advance guys.

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  Lots of Alfas
Ive never seen a 172 with brake delectors fitted in the UK, seen some abroad, have you got some pictures?
  Clio 172 Mk2
Maybe deflector is incorrect then. I took the 'description' from another thread I read where they were discussing what I believed sounded like what I had issue's with on Saturday.

Lets see if I can describe this better. When I pulled the disc of (after smacking it with a rubber mallet for about 10 mins) there was a separate metal ring with what to me looked like a ceramic filling sitting lose on the axle stub. It isn't part of the disc bearing assembly as the old and new one were identical.

Could it be a spacer? Is it needed?

Going to carry on trying to search the web for a pic of what I saw as its a bit dark out now ;)

Got one. This is what I had sitting there. It had an almost ceramic like filling that looks cracked. Are they needed? Is it safe to remove?

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  Lots of Alfas
I thought by deflector you were talking about metal pieces that fit behind the discs to protect them sorry.
