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Recommend me a small sub + amp

  Iceburg 172FF
Can anyone recommend anything? Would like a fairly small one, not to take up half of the boot if possible. Mostly listen to rock/punk/metal type music not much dance stuff so dont know if there are diffrent types of subs best suited for stuff like that.

Anything under £200 for both sub/amp together would be good too. Not really got a clue about ICE so wouldnt know where to start. Cheers
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
  Iceburg 172FF
Cheers mate, looks good. That box is probably perfect, should fit nicely in the boot. Now im sure I had a code for free delivery from there, ill see if i can find it.
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
no probs fella, share the code when you find it I need to sort some stuff for my new car out soon ;)
