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Recovering data from an external USB HDD, Help!

  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
Is this possible? The disk has had its partition deleted and is therefore seen as an unformatted disk in Windows? Is it possible to recover any data from it? Anyone got any tools??

  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
cheers Joel, I've downloaded the free trial and am running it against it, will it retrieve them for me though? or just show me them and ask for money?
There are loads of programs that do it and you should be able to get everything back, I've used the one Joel mentioned before, it's alright, will probably give you a quota of files you can retrieve.
  A4 Avant
I used that ontrack software and recovered all of my data off my 300gb external drive. I took the casing apart and plugged it into my desktop machine though as I didn't want to take any chances of the usb drive powering down or anything like that!
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
how does it work Nigel, if its the free trial? Does it give you all the data back? or do you have to pay? Its got 3 hours to run still before I find out.
  A4 Avant
I managed to get a dodgy version from a guy at work so I have no idea how the trial works!

I think it scans the drive then shows any partitions that have been there where data can be recovered from. You then select the folders you want to keep and select another drive to save them to. Thats off the top of my head though!
