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Removing a MK1 Sunroof?

  Punto/Clio GTT
from when i last did mine i..

took rubber from tailgate so i can see under roof lining
took out 3 handles inside car on roof and the 2 plastic bungs
took out the drop down sunvisor x2
took out the centre console (light, switch etc)
took out the rubber seal around sunroof
then i will be stuck to your roof so you need to pull it down slightly and cut all down the back of it with a long sharp blade. this seriously fucked all my knuckles up and took best part of 20 mins, the roof bowed pretty badly as its very veyr thin with no support, but it wont damage so give it a good cutting.
drop the entire roof lining out from the back of the car
then the sunroof is held in with 10 mil bolts all the way round.
drop the bottom metal thing out after all the bolts are off and then lift the sunroof out from the outside of the car.
befor eyou put it back in make sure you seal it with some silicone or something and dont damage the gasket.
  Civic Vtec y0
what did you stick the roof lining back in with? also how did you get it out without taking the plastic ou tthat runs along the top of the doors etc?
