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Removing factory gear knob????

  Clio dynamique 1.4 16v
Hi, i've got a momo gear knob to put on my 03 clio. the factory one is the one with the centre bit that pops off. Is it possible to get it off without damaging it, so it can be used again?
  RB 182 Cup
i dont even know how they are fitted weather screwed on or glued on, but i heard using some mole grips to twist it off or just hacksaw it off? i would like to no to :)
  1.2 16v Dynamique.
I heard that the best way to do it is to take the cap off the top and heat the gear knob up (gently) with a hairdryer so that the bond that sticks the knob to the shaft starts to release. It will still be tight but should be easier. If this fails than its a job for some BIG vice grips then chuck the knob in the bin. Good luck!
  RenaultSport 197
The whole gearnob itself is actually glued on and is moulded onto the gear stick, which is a really firm and strong grip. In order to actually remove the nob then you will need to saw it off as the whole unit itself is not bolted onto the stick.

I used a small hack saw and had to cut 3 areas of the nob to start with, then when I made it looser I actually just got a long flat ended screw driver and drove it up the nob and it popped off - that takes about half hour or so.

For the white 'skeleton' under the nob you will need to saw it off with the same hack saw in the same 3 areas of the nob, which is just either side and the top centre of the white nob. That is the hardest bit of the nob and you have to keep persisting until it becomes looser. Once its loose then again just prize it off with a flat ended screwdriver. That took me just over an hour to do and I was sweating like a pig.

You will also need to just skim off the bits of white crap that are still stuck onto the gear stick and rub it down with some corse sand paper for about 5 mins to make it a nice smooth fit for you new one.

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  RenaultSport 197
you don't need to cut the nob off :| *scratches head*

It just pulls off.

Pulls off!? :nono: You got pecs as big as Swarzennegger had??? :rasp:

If he is talking about the Clio Phase II then there is no way you can pull that thing off no matter how strong you are, sorry I know...
you don't need to cut the nob off :| *scratches head*

It just pulls off.

Pulls off!? :nono: You got pecs as big as Swarzennegger had??? :rasp:

If he is talking about the Clio Phase II then there is no way you can pull that thing off no matter how strong you are, sorry I know...

i agree it doesn't just pull off on the markII's , i made enquiries before and it's defo a cut off jobbie 2nd thoughts and didn't bother in the end
  Clio 172 Cup
jus hacked mine off with open scissors on my phase1! stil got the scars to prove!i love dark carpark mods!
  Clio dynamique 1.4 16v
I'm gonna just bite the b*****d off and if my teeth fall out, i'll use the guns to yank it off.
