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Removing light scratches from interior plastics.

  Audi TT 3.2 V6
Hi guys,

Anyone have any tips on removing light scratches from interior plastics eg the glovebox? The car seems to have aquired a few during its life that id like to tidy up. Ill try to take some pictures tommorow if that will help.

Thanks in advance, Russ
  106 GTi
Aside from getting a chips away type company to retexture the plastics there is no real fix. Some of the more glossy trim dressing will help to hide them if you can put up with shiny looking plastics.
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
Thought that was probably the answer i was going to get tbh rich. I think i may have to look into replacing the glovebox door were the majority of scratches are. Theyre nothing major just irratate me slightly.

Thanks for your help :)
Russ try Meguiars plast x first its a plastic polish, which needs to be worked in but has removed some light scuffs for me even on textured stuff
