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Renewal Time!

Got my renewal through the door from elephant, and they were the cheapest by about £300 so quite happy to stay with them.. also told them i had 3 points pending, but they said i didnt need to tell them yet as they arent on my license...

also, only an extra £110 for an Golf R32... Hmmm
  Octavia VRS
Just got my renewal from Elephant for the 1.4 and they are about £100 cheaper than any other company I've tried tonight. They are also £250 cheaper than Greenlight for a CTR!
i also fancied a CTR.. but alan you will be getting first dibs on my cup interior.. i know how much u want it.. :)
  LY V6 with Recaros
Funny, my renewal with elephant was over £100 dearer than last years, and over £300 cheaper than a quote with Privilage!
  Octavia VRS
For me and the missus (both 25) insured fully comp with 2 years ncd:

renewal quote of £275 for the 1.4 Clio

£490 for a 182

£505 for a CTR

all quotes from Elephant and tbh everyone else I've tried can't touch these prices
