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reset outside thermometer

  silver cup packed FF 182
mate had his 172 battery dissconnected last week so he had trouble resetting the cd etc but cant get the temperture on the display to right settings?!
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
How odd, whenever I disconnected my battery I never had to adjust the outside temp?! Whats wrong with it shaun?
  R27 - 77/500
mine reads between 50 n 60 all the time, didnt know it was battery related, thought it was just french quality
  silver cup packed FF 182
hmm not sure tbh mate,i mean it was quite hot the other evening and me and my mate were out in our cars my mate has the 172 with the problem,however mine was reading at 25* where as my mates was reading at 18*? so surely it must be summink to do when he had the battery diss-connected?not sure if it tells more ino in the renault manual?will have to have a ganders.
