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Rs4 not breaking the speed limit

  RB 182 Cup
the acceleration was gr8 imo ....hehe

lol it was there then the next minute was gone, i recon if he kept on go flat he would have got away scott free. 1 becuase they dont have his plate and the video doesnt pick it up, 2 he was totally gone in about 2 seconds so no time to take down the plate
  BMW M3
He didnt know it was behind him until he was doing about 80 and then they came on with the blues i think.... so he wouldnt have got away. I wouldnt try it anyway lol
  Chelsea tractor
the acceleration was gr8 imo ....hehe

lol it was there then the next minute was gone, i recon if he kept on go flat he would have got away scott free. 1 becuase they dont have his plate and the video doesnt pick it up, 2 he was totally gone in about 2 seconds so no time to take down the plate
Do you not think they took a note of his plate before he actually canned it off into the distance? ;) It looks like they'd been following him ever since he overtook them and the white pug...

There's always dangerous driving for scenario's like that I suppose :evil:
^^^^^you're car capable of 140 ish wouldn't do it would you ???

yeah i should be a little clearer mate
  Der Panzer
Even if it was a T5, if the RS4 was deristricted he'd have problems catching him. B5 model as well.
foggy75 said:
I still think he had a boost leak and his speedo was knackered as i was only doing 78mph

LMFAO!!! talk about clutching at straws!!
  BMW 330d :)
I dont think that was a t5. If you look closely the camera is quite high up on the police car and it bounces around alot. Probably a m class 4x4...
