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Running like a dog

My issues seem to be with occassional non starting, its ticking over just not firing up. After a few attempts it does. Then when running it sometimes cuts out at roundabouts on when im slowing down. For the first time today it also loss power while travelling on the motorway, i had to change down the gears then suddenly the power came back.

I dont know if its a conincidence but the second two problems happen after ive had trouble starting it. If it starts first time then it seems to run better on that journey and have no problems.

Ive read through this forum and found replies to others that it could be the TDC sensor, Coil pack or 02 sensor.

Im not sure what to do, am i going to have to lump the cost of the renault diagnostics test so they can find the exact problem. And then the expensive labour after.

