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Seatbelt cleaning?


ClioSport Club Member
  05' BG 182FF
What does everyone use to clean their 182 'silver' seatbelts?

Scrubbing them just seems like it's going to ingrained the filth further

Any helps appreciated :)
Ive seen something about closing the door with them out and using a strong cleaner and jetwash. Could be wrong though ;)
Edit; and brushes of of course.


ClioSport Club Member
Id love to know aswell, they let the car down.dont know why they botered with doing them
In silver anyway :/
  Z4 Coupe
Cleaned my 182 earlier and thought the exact same thing!

how the fook can i clean the seat belts lol
  It's nice
when i bought mine 182 last year.the belts was really bad
i just used soap and warm water
pulled the belt out of the car door washed and washed
left them out to dry
they came up a treat !!!


ClioSport Club Member
  05' BG 182FF
They let the car down bad! Lol detailed car, feeling good then look down and oohhh!

I was going to use the companies wet-vac today but the nozzles too wide and lost suction!

Trapping them outside sounds like a good idea, may give this a try tomoro!
i trapped mine outside the door and jet washed them and they came up awesome!!! wont take long to dry either in this nice weather :)
  ph2 172
Jet washing them is the way forward!!!! I always work some fabric cleaner into mine and leave for 10 mins, then pull the full length of the belt outside and get my missus to press it against the pillar inside. Dont forget to put a microfibre underneath the belt on the sill so your not dragging it on your paint. Jobs a gud en ;)


  172 track thingy
i need to get onto cleaning these belts, they just look soo mingin atm :S
  Clio 1,2 16V
One thing that may work could be bicarbonate of soda in water or brake cleaner ( for this get a disposable cloth and pour a bit on the the cloth or seat belt itself and rub till clean it dries in a a couple of minuets and not water is needed )

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
okay brake cleaner will litterally either stain or bleach the belts...... iv used vanish oxi action before worked well
Pull all of your belt out of the door, and put a sheet over the bodywork to stop any crap flicking onto your paintwork.

I used AG Interior shampoo, A dish brush similar to below, A bucket of soapy water (car shampoo is what I used), Microfibres and a lot of elbow grease.


Spray the AG on to a section first, let it sink in, then scrub it hard, then get some suds from the bucket and scrub at it again. Keep rinsing the brush in the bucket and scrubbing the suds. Apply more AG if needed.

Work about 6inches at a time and wipe down with the MF cloth.

Leave to dry either out of the car, or fully extend them around the steering wheel/seats etc to let them dry properly before retracting them to the real to prevent rust.


  172 track thingy
cool im doing mine in the mornin, dont think i will use break cleaner tbh though lol


  172 track thingy
Correct, so you found your answer to what you wanted to know. You then posted a "comment".

I actually don't see what's wrong, the thread has been expanded with further views and convo on ways to clean the seat belts (which looks like a common problem) and I haven't created more traffic on the forum by creating a new thread.
  RS Clio 182
As its been stated above..just make sure. You get them nice and dry before you put them back in..a mate did his and they went mouldy..made it a nightmare to get rid of the end jet washed them trapped out of car then fully extending them and leaving heaters on full blast and a window open slightly to get rid of the water..made double the work..oops.


ClioSport Admin
Some good info, really need to do mine.

Oh and Yellowbelly, not entirely sure why you have taken offence to the bump. Shows good use of the search button and I much prefer to see this rather than a new thread started, which we all know would likely have attracted replies like "use the search button".
  Clio 182 arctic
Another +1 for the jet washing. If you just unbolt them at the bottom of the door for the front ones and just under the seat for the back ones and you can practically pull the entire belt out of the door, Having someone to hold it tight against the body is a must though. You can see the clean line created as soon as you put the jet was on them.
  Clio 1,2 16V
It's stuff that I use at work it gets rid of oil, grease and stuff like that it's not cheap and maybe cause damage I'm not interlly sure because I've never used it on seatbelts but in sim molar cases I.e oil bedded into my overalls a bit of brake cleaner brought it right out
  Clio 1.2 2.3 2004
Old thread but I've just done mine
Car shampoo scrubbed with a cloth
bucket of water with some vanish in there then scrubbed with a cloth
Then back to shampoo.
Then blasted it clean with the jet wash.
Spent about 45/60 mins on each seat belt. Not 100% clean the weather didn't no what to do iv'er be sunny or rain. So I missed little bits ie where it bolts in.

In this pic you can see the dirt that's what the drivers side was like and you can see the difference
