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Serious Conflict: XP with ZAPro on Macbook

  Clio 197

I've been running ZoneAlarm Pro on XP SP2 for years with no problems at all.

Having just moved from my self-built PC to a Macbook, I installed XP along with ZA Pro (since it's always worked fine!).

I keep getting the blue screen of death whenever ZA starts on my new machine.

Rather then trying to solve it, can you recommend a good firewall that operates in the same way?


Oms. :)
on the macbook are you using paralles or bootcamp?

have you got all the latest updates and have you got all the correct drivers on Windows?

Try re-installing zone alarm on it before you move to a different firewall.

  Clio 172 ph2 + 990SM
try uninstalling zonealarm, i dont know how youve managed to live with it, its the most annoying piece of software ive ever used!!

you dont really need a firewall if you keep your machine uptodate with the latest patches. plus if your connected through a router, rather than directly to the broadband modem, you'll be firewalled already...

if you really want a software firewall, use the inbuild windows one. it does the job, doesnt cost anything and doesnt try and scare u into thinking ur getting hacked every few seconds...
  Clio 197
on the macbook are you using paralles or bootcamp?

have you got all the latest updates and have you got all the correct drivers on Windows?

Try re-installing zone alarm on it before you move to a different firewall.



I'm using bootcamp.

I'm using ZA because I don't use auto updates... I've lost my license documentation so I have to get it off my old HDD when I get the chance. Until I put my proper key in, I can't update. :(

I just wanted a little extra protection in the mean time... and ZA has always worked very well for me.
I see, well you could always download the updates, wack them on a USB and there you go :)

Why you using bootcamp instead of parallels? Entrigued :)
  Clio 197
I see, well you could always download the updates, wack them on a USB and there you go :)

Why you using bootcamp instead of parallels? Entrigued :)

I fancied the idea of running it natively... I wasn't quite sure how fast/efficient it would be with parrallels, plus bootcamp is free (being beta software).

So far, so good (apart from the ZA issue, which will be sorted when I get the XP key off my HD tonght). :D

I'll move over to OSX eventually, once I'm used to it and I can afford the software for it.
"can afford the s/w on it" :) who needs to afford it?

I am still getting used to my mac, been a year! :)
  Clio 197
What sort of stuff is freely available then?

Any sites you can recommend? I wouldn't mind giving the OSX a fair crack.
