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single wiper conversion

I did my one last week. It’s a bit tricky to get the old wiper motor and frame out and even trickier to get it back in again. You have to remove the fan cover that sits at the side if the wiper motor to give clearance for the new motor arm that moves the wiper. Setting up the wiper arm resting position can be a pain in the arse as you have to keep moving the wiper arm until it makes the best sweep across the screen. The grommet that is supplied didn’t fit the old wiper hole so had to get a new one off these.

Not yet have done loads to the car to show you lot. Will be cleaning her at the week end and will take some then and post on Monday Morin.

Single wiper, Strut Brace, Alloy Bailey, Special BBPT Stickers (In Gold) Cap for amps and more neon’s.
  Clio Williams 1, 182,197

Ah so you got a bailey header tank did you !! With a strut brace !!

Mmmmm bailey header tank, same as mine ?? Shiny bits ummmm !!

f**king wicked though mate, is the strut brace an alloy one like mine.

Cant wait toi see this work youve done !!

The bailey looks wicked mate. The strut brace is an alloy one fits nice and makes a Huge difference to the cars handling. If anyone is thinking about a strut brace buy one they make a big difference. But buy the time you see the bailey and strut brace it would have changed colour. Single wiper is changing colour as well.

Haven’t seen you strut brace but got it from BBPT. Will have to spend some time checking out your car next time we meet.
  Toureg vW Transporte

no not at all i find them loads better, smoother action etc and they dont bounce off the screen when ur doing a reasonable pace, like normal ones do. daf

I agree it does give a smoother sweep. Reduce vision that depends on you, you set the stop position so you can have it anywhere.


De-cat is a must and if you got an induction kit and exhaust. The chip will combine all these mods together and you will have much better response.
  Clio Williams 1, 182,197


Yer i got a bailey header tank in alloy !

Also got a two piece adjustable stainless steel strut brace !!

Its the nuts and boy does it make a difference to the handling.

Yer your welcome to check out my car anytime your passing by !!

Ill get some pics done of my engine bay soon !!
