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  Ultra Red Clio 197
Used to use it quite a bit when I was at uni, but not really anymore.. Although my mum now uses it all the time to speak to my step dad whos in Iraq for a year.. They do video chats.. Last time when I was home he called.. Mum was busy cooking but had the laptop on the side and was talking away although as he could see her and all the food I think it made him miss home as aparently the food is awful there.. She also has a 2 in 1 phone in the house. Its a normal cordless phone but with skype built in also.. my stepdad can still call her without having to make sure her computer is on beforehand.. Im considering getting one myself as it simply just connects to the wireless internet and will mean free calls to home and a few other friends I know that have them.. Id say just download it and try it.. but you will obviously have to know other Skype users to test the full benefits of it.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
A mate of mine uses it to talk to his wife who's livin' in Turkey atm on his mobile phone . I tried setting it up on my mobile phone but i couldn't for some reason :mad: .

So basically he gets free phonecalls to Turkey from England .

As to skype on your PC . i prefer msn tbh . It's alot clearer when some birds flicking her bean on the webcam lmao ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  Q8 E-Tron
I use it to talk with our project management team who are in Oz at the mo, i installed the app on my iphone so it's just like a normal phone call to be honest. love it!
  Partner's Astra SRi
I use Skype to talk to my Dad in Dubai. Depending on the day the quality can be good or it can be really sh*te. But thank fook it's available coz I dunno what I'd do if I couldn't speak to him :(
  MK2 Clio 172 with Re
I have to use it at work. I dont make calls on it lol jus use it to msg ppl at work. It's like msn. :)
  Formally Clio 182
We use Skype at work for all of our outgoing calls, quality is good.

We use a Vosky connected to our main phone line.
So basically he gets free phonecalls to Turkey from England .

I can call turkey + 100's of other countires free from my landline, mad?

And skypes pretty good, i use it to talk to my friend who lives in Kazakhstan mainly as its just easier. I never use msn really.
use it to talk to my bro in OZ, can be good if the internet at the other end is strong and they have a good camera.

great service especially as its free..
