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Some help from the pros please?

I'm a noob at photography but I got a Canon 550D recently with a 18-55mm lens.
I just want to know what is the best lens to photograph anything. When I mean anything I mean like walking and snapping.
Disclaimer: I am not a pro lol. Only had my 450D around 6 months or so?!

How long is a piece of string. Do you want to go out walking and take pictures of landscapes, animals, insects, people etc...

The kit lens kept me occupied for the first 3/4 months and still takes some fab snaps. Then I invested in a prime 50mm 1.8, invaluable tool and has taught me a lot about my camera. Now I want some more reach in the form of a 70-200 but also have a nagging for something around the 10-12mm range and an upgraded 24-70 kit lens replacement.

I'd say spend time enjoying taking photos and if you start finding you want to learn more and challenge yourself etc.. then spend then money upgrading when you have found out what exactly you want. It is a very expensive "hobby" lol!

Oh and the guides in here are brilliant :D Happy snapping!
Disclaimer: I am not a pro lol. Only had my 450D around 6 months or so?!

How long is a piece of string. Do you want to go out walking and take pictures of landscapes, animals, insects, people etc...

The kit lens kept me occupied for the first 3/4 months and still takes some fab snaps. Then I invested in a prime 50mm 1.8, invaluable tool and has taught me a lot about my camera. Now I want some more reach in the form of a 70-200 but also have a nagging for something around the 10-12mm range and an upgraded 24-70 kit lens replacement.

I'd say spend time enjoying taking photos and if you start finding you want to learn more and challenge yourself etc.. then spend then money upgrading when you have found out what exactly you want. It is a very expensive "hobby" lol!

Oh and the guides in here are brilliant :D Happy snapping!

Thanks. Indeed it is a very expensive hobby.
Also I've seen a few of the guides and they have been very helpful.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
I'm a noob at photography but I got a Canon 550D recently with a 18-55mm lens.
I just want to know what is the best lens to photograph anything. When I mean anything I mean like walking and snapping.

The one attached to your camera will do just fine.

You could spend THOUSANDS and still not have the first clue about composing a decent photo.

Get on Flickr, search about, explore, find things you like. See how people compose photos.

Once you know your f-stops from your ISO you can think about upgrading.

Get a Nifty.

I got one for Christmas as my first lens up from my kit lens, and it's great. Has taught me loads I didn't know in the short space I've had it.

Can be had fairly cheap, too.


ClioSport Club Member
forget extra lenses for now....use what you got and learn to use it well....get some mags and sites and learn about the basics:
- aperture
- shutterspeed
learn how to measure light, read up about composition....slowly you'll find out what kind of photography you'll like and then you can look about what kit would complement that.
Best tip....imitate pic's you like, some mags have pics with complete info on how the picture was taken....imitate them and then start variying your variables. You'll learn what does what the quickest!
I use my phone now, it's far too easy to get wrapped in what kit does what, what lense do I need, what's the best camera and so on..........

Just be there is my only advice.
Read the guides. Practice.

That's far more valuable to you than spending a few grand on some glass because it's got a red band on it.
Nifty Fifty f1.8. Costs under £80 and you will be amazed at the quality of pics from a lens that feels like it was given away with a happy meal!!
In response to most of your comments.
I have read a few guides and books.
This is a picture I've taken recently which I obviously edited a bit.

Flower by JackWoodward, on Flickr
I like this one a lot but I want to vary my work and photograph a lot of different subjects. So would it be best to have another lens as well as the one I already have.


ClioSport Club Member
The 50mm is a fantastic lens, BUT it's not really a walkabout lens. The 18-55 will be more than enough for you to learn and practise and learn about aperature and shutter speeds with.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
It's like saying I need a car to enter a race, what shall I buy ?

Is it off road, an F1 race, an economy race, a drag race...

Just use the one you have and see where you're coming up short. If you need a macro lens, buy one. If you need a wide angle lens, buy one. If you need to photograph things 4 miles away.... you get the idea.
I have never understood "walkabout" lens?!
Does it help you walk?

Ever lens has its place, me personally I like primes- I like the way they make your mind think.
If I had a 24mm fixed- I would see the world in that way, before even lifting the camera to my eye- same as for an 85mm.
You learn to visualise what you want before taking the shot.

I think if the OP is on a tight budget, maybe try a 50mm prime- see how you get on- try a couple of days shooting wide open, a couple of days stopped down and so on.

Save for a 20/24mm prime and do the same.

In my bag all I ever need for work was a 24/50/85mm and that was it unless shooting long stuff.
I coped with just a 50mm fine and dandy for ages.

Like Steve says, it makes you think. You end up finding other/better/different shots because you see things you didn't expect.
Theres not a lot of 'walkaround' photography you can't do with an 18-55 and as with most people just starting out, the quality of the kit lens may well be far superior to the quality of the person carrying it.
A good exercise I would do often was- pick one object, one prime lens and photograph it 10 different ways.
Think composition,perspective, DoF,exposure (silhouette),contrast,negative space, High Angle,Low Angle,Straight on and so on - only then can you say you have exhausted ALL possibilities before deciding the NEED to change to another lens.
A good photographer knows what works in all situations, but believe me when you get stuck for ideas the above technique can get you out of the poo poo when supplying to Picture Editors.

Onto this "walkabout thing"- try this.

Rather than walkabout like a headless chicken EXPECTING that perfect shot to appear, and yes we have all done it.
Try standing in one single spot, and mark an imagenary line 10metres around where you are standing- produce 10 interesting shots using some of the above techniques (and there are lots more techniques) with one lens - either prime or zoom.

This will also help you to get thinking more, and assist you when you get out and about in a place you have never been before.
It's far too easy to just "snap away" because "we can".
You really need to think more about what and how you you SEE things before even taking the shot.

All of a sudden that NEED for a lens or specific memory card that writes at a gazillion Mbps becomes so un important.
