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Some Help Please


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
Just got 4 Renault Dialogys DVDs to install this onto my laptop but I'm having some trouble with it and I'm wondering if someone can point me in the correct directions to try and find out where I'm going wrong.

I put the install DVD in first and then follow all instructions on that which is choose to country and language.
Once i have done that i then eject it and put DVD 1 in and nothing happens and and it does not even load up or spin.

The version is 3.94 and Im trying to install it on a windows XP laptop, it was bought from ebay from someone who has sold 100s of them with 100% feedback. I know this don't mean much but I'm sure its something that I'm doing wrong.

Please can someone throw some light on this for me ?!?!?
  Clio 182 Cup
I bought mine from ebay too version 3.94 and installed it on windows 7 64bit. From what I remember you start off with CD0 which is the setup disc once it runs through that it then asks you to insert dvd 1 through 3. It sounds like the first disc is not installing correctly.

Try uninstalling the first disc and reboot the laptop, once that is done disable your AV software for the installed period as this sometimes stops files being installed. If it fails to ask for the DVD's again just try running the program and see if it asks you then.
Let me know how you get on.
