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sound system problems

  Stanced Honda S2000

hi all. me and my mate have just spent a full day on trying to eliminate a wizzing noise i have got.

we have - re earthed (no joy)

checked rcas (no joy)

new rmt/signal (no joy)

checked all speakers (no joy)

checked 12v supply, all great top quailty speaker cable and earths etc

what i did notice is that when placing the head unit back into the car it makes wierd noises. the wizzing either gets louder or quieter but never completely dissapears. it picks up the engines noise all the time. its doing my head in. we tried another amp aswell and that did it too !! i am taking it to a speacialist i think this week but if anybody has any ideas i may giv it a bash.

  500bhp Scoob

do u only get this noise when the engine is on, as ive heard about people getting noises when the engines running, due to the alternator.

you can get a supressor that usually cuts the noise down
  Stanced Honda S2000

i get sum noise when the engine isnt on. it only started when i drove like a loon down a dusty track, could it be a loose connection round the back of the headunit or the headuni fooked ?
  Stanced Honda S2000

thanks hip. i just felt like hittin the full thing with a b*****d hammer today ! i reckon its a loose cable or summat behind the headunit but gunna take it to the pros me thinks.

good it was been a right stubben b*****d today. we tried pretty much everything i could think of...i suggested noise suppressors but i think rich would prefer to do away with devices such as this and have a system minus the alternator distortion we were suffering today, unable to explain what is goin on as i tried to do everything by the book


a few qs?

do you rca cable and your 12v cables run down different side of the car?

If so

Does the 12v cable run down the side where the ECU is based?

Does your HU have a DC/DC converter?


ECU is next to the battery yer it does down the same side as the ECU although i wouldnt of thought that mattered.
  Stanced Honda S2000

oh by the way.

do not go to KINGSTON CAR AUDIO in hull. Rip off merchants. apparently my install is the worst hes ever come across, which as ppl who have seen it will vouch for , it isnt. he then said oh... 300 quid for a new one and 3 -4 days work. funily enough i told him where to stick it. i hate con men. so. DONT GO TO KINGSTON CAR AUDIO IN HULL>

never knew that rorrie, i try to consider everything so ill remember that next time a fit an amp in anyones car, after all...they are part for the electrical nature of the car in some way.


Rich_M - was he talking about the build? did you do it yourself? thats quite harsh, have you got any photos of it?

Also what kind of build was he going to do for £300, most proffesional installs ive seen have cost at least 3 times that!
  Stanced Honda S2000

yeah he was talking bout the build, did most of it myself but moose helped, he used to fit alarms so it aint shabby, lets put it that way. the 300 quid was just to re-wire what i currently have. BTW i have got a good firm to sort the prob out. R.A.M in hull are sorting the interference out for £35. so, 300 or 35 quid, let me think..... ha ha

What brand/type/cost are your rcas? Not being funny but looks like youve got some really cheap ones from the pics in the media forum, they could be letting your system down.

sounds like a good bet.

as pete 172 says, i hant seen the pics of your RCA cables, but you should be spending a decent amount on RCAs im not talking huge amounts, but say £20 per RCA.

Have you got the problem sorted yet? What are they doing to get rid of it?

Do your speaker cables cross your power cable at any point in your car as these are the most acceptable to interference, also what gauge speaker wire you running as youll here interference more with thinner wire as it has less shielding.

If the wires do cross make sure they cross with a 90 degree angle as less wire crosses causing less interference.

Just a thought
  Stanced Honda S2000

the cables are really good for the subs and fairly good for the speakers. the rcas arnt anywhere near the power supply., think its the earth of the headunit. it is in at R>A>M in hull on friday, will let u all know !!
  Clio 182 LY + Cup packs

surely all you need to do is fit a GROUND LOOP ISOLATOR to the RCAs before the AMP.

This has always solved my problems and ive installed sound systems in six of my cars and mates cars.

Quote: Originally posted by RafChandler on 11 August 2004

surely all you need to do is fit a GROUND LOOP ISOLATOR to the RCAs before the AMP.

This has always solved my problems and ive installed sound systems in six of my cars and mates cars.
Masks the problem doesnt cure it. It will effect quality.

ICE-a_Holic - very unlikly that speaker cables pick up interference, as they do not carry enough voltage, ive never heard of that before, if im not mistakened IASCA dont see it as a problem either. but i suppose its worth a try if nothing else works
  Stanced Honda S2000

its come back.... its the head unit. basically its fooked. it didnt do it with a different headunit in so im buying a new one tommorow.
