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Speed Camera Detector :)

  RS Meg 175
Hello guys,
after a bit of advice,
im looking at Speed Camera Detectors for my dad for crimbo and im not to clued up on them.

what do you guys use and what would you reccomend?

Infrorad any good? snooper?

Thanks guys
any info is good :D
I have the snooper s4 with radar add on and find it really good alot of people rate the roadangle but my dads got RA2 and i have used it and its not for me it doesnt tell you what fixed camera you are coming to just my veiw i drive all over the country and i find my snooper is best for me
  BMW M3
Ive got an RA2 and had it for almost 2 years. Never let me down and works great.

Matt: By saying it doesnt tell you what the camera is, do you mean either Gatso or Truv ?
Yeah thats right it just say fixed mine says both because i think it very important to know because the truvelo will get you going towards it so with a gatso you get abit more time to slow down also i find it hard to tell how far the camera is when you only get the bars i get a count down in meters dont get me wrong the RA2 is good piece of kit it just need to tell you more and the snooper needs a bigger screen so you can see the speed and the meter countdown i did use them both at one point to see what i thought
  HyperAlloy Combat Chassis
I use a PDA with Tomtom on it with the speed camera add on from pocketgpsworld. It tells you the kind of camera etc and so far it's been very accurate. I did London to Glasgow at, um....very silly speeds and no ticket/ban ;) You could get a second hand PDA for about £100 and "acquire" tomtom and you're set, although a dusty old PDA might not be prezzie material.
  RS Meg 175
ohrite i see ^^
i was reading up on those and it seems some just tell you were camera spots might be and others pickup laser signals? to tell you where they actually are?

what ones are which? do you know? atm im swaying towards the RA 2 but not decided :( lol
i have the road angel compact and its really good.. shows the speed limit in the area, and where mobile ones tend to sit.. aswell as all the fixed, average speed, school zones etc
i use an evolution its great gives you loads of warning even when theres a copper with his little mobile camera out, quite an expensive one but i think its worth the price tag
my mate had the first road angel that was pretty gd never let him down and he drives round like nutcase everywhere. road angels look best aswell :) just pricey


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
^^^ Sorry mate . Thinking about it i should have put a post up informing people .

Chances are they'll get em back in stock again sometime .
