no m8, secondary voltage isnt fixed as such (at the electrode), yes, its limited by the coil ratio at the ht output. However, the problem is that the ignition leads are often of resistance that is too high to allow the peak voltage to appear at the electrode, thats all. Usually for suppresive purposes of RFI.
You need to think of the coil lead as a resistor. (which they effectively are)
Some, not all !, competition leads (Magnecour for example) have a far lower resistance and still seem able to apply appropriate suppresive rfi.
Modern forms of combustion pressure detection, as you put it, are NOT used on the clio.. this is an emerging technology used in very high emission regulated areas of the world (certain parts of the states etc) and needs a completely redesigned system to operate
the secondary voltage (after the spark) on these systems ARE used to measure the current, but again, not on the clio... the fact still remains that even for the current sensing system to work at all, the voltage available at the electrode MUST be enough to bridge the gap in the first place for the primary spark. To be able to measure the current needed, you need to form a circuit in the first place, this happens due to the voltage difference (PD) at the electrode ends.
Bottom line is....
Coil voltage has a peak value..
This Voltage Value is NOT available in normal operation to the plug electrode gap due to the reistance of the plug leads
This is of no consequence in a normal unit though.
If you increase cylinder pressure (ie - a NON NORMAL UNIT), you NEED to increase the voltage to allow the spark to traverse the gap.
You CANNOT increase the secondary output of the coil. (but it is not normally the limiting factor (its the LEADS) )
You CAN increase the voltage at the plug electrode by reducing the resistance of the coil leads.