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Spraying side trim etc


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
How do they come off? lol :eek: Looking at getting all the bumper bits done, wing mirrors too.

Thanks :approve:


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
open door .. pop each bit towards the other bit (if you see what i mean) .. front bit pops backwards and off, back bit pops forward then off.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Ah right (thought you was on about the vee lol)

The rear quarter bumb strip, open the door, get two hands on it and push it forward.

The front bump strip, open the door and look for a little black circle washer. pop this off (its covering a hole) There is a small clip holding the front strips in place.

Once you have free'd this clip push the bump strip towards the back of the car.

For the badges its easier to remove these with the bump strips on the car. Again all you do, wrap a tea towel around a screw driver and prise them off (only held on by clips!)

EDIT: Just found this, all be it with no picutres:
