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Standard HU code.

  Fiat Panda 100hp
I have entered the code wrong so many times that now the HU has just locked me out all together. My booklet says go to the renualt dealer but how much will this cost, and can I do it myself?

Any help greatly appriciated as miss my sounds!

  172 Cup
I presume you've disconnected the power once before otherwise why are you entering the code again?
  Fiat Panda 100hp
I fitted an alarm today, and disconnected the battery to fit the wire to the alarm, when I reconeted it asked for the code. Shall I disconnet it overnight? Is this wise or not?

Sorry for being thick.
  172 Cup
You can either remove the radio itself overnight or you should be fine to disconnect the battery overnight.

Normally if you enter the code incorrectly so many times it "locks" you out for so long and then lets you try a code again.
