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Stereo connections...

  1.6 focus zetec....
Can anyone tell me what wires for what on the black plug behind the stereo??? I know the clear plug is for the speakers and the yellow one is for the steering wheel controls but not sure about the black plug???


  Polo + Micra
i think you get

switched +12v = red
permanent +12v = yellow
earth = black
dimmer = orange

they are the ones i know (the red yellow might be reversed)

you may also have a speed pulse in there somewhere
  172 Cup, Clio 197
kiza1986 said:
Do you know what colours for which mate???



Red = Permanent 12v Live
Yellow = ignition live

The above two can be switched around depending on vehicle type, I think they are reversed on the clio.

Black = Earth
Orange = Light dimmer
Blue = Remote for amp or electric aerial
  1.6 focus zetec....
Cheers lads....basically my mates just bought a screen from japan and all the wires on the back of it are bare with no connectors so im going to cut the the connectors off the wires from the speakers, earth, battery etc and put bullet connectors on them....

  172 Cup, Clio 197
kiza1986 said:
Cheers lads....basically my mates just bought a screen from japan and all the wires on the back of it are bare with no connectors so im going to cut the the connectors off the wires from the speakers, earth, battery etc and put bullet connectors on them....


Do you still have the iso connectors on the clio? You can buy a set of beared iso connectors to cennect to the car and wire to the stereo wires, did with my pioneer in my cup, better idea in the long run
  1.6 focus zetec....
The connectors are on the wires coming from the car...just not the wires from the screen/dvd...He had the choice to buy a box connector and wire that up or get some bullet connectors and thats what he chose :S

