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done a quick search to see who/ if anyone has done any sticker bombing on exterior items of the car such as side strips/mirror caps, front plastic moulds.... but only found the mirrors that have been done by somone in this thread:

f anyone has any pics of what they have done please post in here, I want to see what it looks like on some more cars!

I know I will get a lot of stick for this as about 90% of the members on here hate sticker bombing but I personally think it looks good and something different!! please dont tell me that you dont like it thanks :)
  Seat Ibiza

I know your looking for the more smaller ideas but I have seen 2 good bits on clios recently; I saw someone who has a dark blue clio 3 door, they had put stickers on the back of the car (back window) but they had it to one side - drivers side this looked really good, it was say 3-4 stickers horizontally, and all the way up the window, I have also seen it done on the bonnet, where someone has put them on the drivers side of the bonnet - this looks good too - start in the corner at the bottom and work up kind of idea! I would love to have shown you a photo they both looked really good! I would say that I preferred the back window- it wasnt too much, but if you do wanna add to it start on the bonnet! :approve:

Fern x
Would love to see photos!! haha :p

Yeahh i do want to keep it small really :) don't want something really in my face all the time so covering window or bonnet may get a bit annoying afer a while... i wanted to see if anyone had sticker bombed the parts that could be colour coded instead of actually colour coding...

I do have spares of all the parts I would sticker bomb for when i get bored of the idea :rofl:
  Seat Ibiza
Ahh fair enough! Urm well the stickers on the back were like small and I quite liked it - but I would say probably like do mirrors - somethin you can swap as you please and something that again isnt to hard to replace - when you get good at it and get a feel for if you like it on mirrors etc then go for it, you dont wanna do a wing get half way through it and think cr*p I shoulda done it this way round etc, at least with mirrors you can trail and error first! :eek: x
yeah thats what i was thinking, i like some of the interior parts that i have seen to which are the sash strips and centre console :p... i might doo side strips and mirror and then upload pics to see what people say about it:) x
I think theres a 'pre' stickerbombed fuel filler flap that you can buy off ebay in a few different shades/colours. Have a look at that.

i'm at work at the moment or i'd link you up :)
Nice thanks for the link, he sells a fair bit from what i see :p i think though that just doing the fuel cap would look odd?? has anyone done the fuel cap on here??
