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Strange amp remote-on problem

  MK1 Clio 16v
I've got three amps in my car currently. A fusion amp for my subwoofer and two Mutant NW280SP amps. The two mutant amps are for front & rear speakers.

I have a remote cable running from the heat unit which arrives at the fusion amp first, and i double this up with a shorter cable and insert it into the amp. The shorter cable then runs to a mutant amp, which is then doubled up with another short cable, to run to the third mutant amp.

The problem i'm having, is that sometimes, one, or both, of the mutant amps does not switch on, however the Fusion amp always switches on without fail.

I thought this could be due to the remote cable reaching the Fusion amp first, but i tried moving this to a Mutant amp but nothing changed.

Also, i notice sometimes, that the fusion amp switches on, and only one mutant amp switches on, but not the other. Then, if i switch the radio off, and back on again, the other mutant amp comes on but the other one goes off. If i repeat this procedure it just alternates between them, which is annoying. Eventually they will both come on.

If i switch my radio on, and rev the engine slightly at the same time, all three amps come on without a problem. Usually i don't have a problem with them, it's only intermittant.

I've tried using different head units and i still had the problem.

Does anyone have any ideas what the problem could be? I'm guessing it's a lack of power, as when i rev the engine they work fine. Perhaps it's because they all 'piggy back' off each other? I can't really thing of any other way i can wire it up.

Any suggestions?

Thanks :)
  Clio 172mk2
do the amps show as having standby power all time , and are all the amps corectly earthed,

also are u runing all this off the standard battery
  MK1 Clio 16v
The amps don't have any form of 'standby' LED, but there is power going to them.

They are all earthed to the earth terminal on my capacitor, which is then earthed to the chassis of the car. The fusion amp doesn't have any problems with earthing and they are all connected to the same point.

It's a standard 'Halfords' battery that it's all running from.
  Clio 172mk2
slly question but have u tried it without all the amps on just one capaciter, basically dont use it and try it.


  big fat japanese bus
your problem is the number of amps running off of one remote wite. It has a very low voltage so cant be used to turn on multiple amps.

you need to run a relay system, go to talkaudio and look up building relay its an easy job I built mine myself!

also tell me how you are wiring the amps mate? I hope you are using big enough power cable and that its fused!
muz said:
your problem is the number of amps running off of one remote wite. It has a very low voltage so cant be used to turn on multiple amps.

you need to run a relay system, go to talkaudio and look up building relay its an easy job I built mine myself!

also tell me how you are wiring the amps mate? I hope you are using big enough power cable and that its fused!

what muz said.

also, if you dont like the sound of having to make your own relay, you can buy a 12v automotive relay from maplins for a couple of quid.
  MK1 Clio 16v
Liking the suggestions folks, thanks!

What would be the purpose of the relay? I'm guessing to provide a slightly higher voltage/current with the existing remote-on cable to activate the relay?

The amps are wired using 4 AWG cabling from the battery to the capacitor, then 2 AWG (i think) cabling from the capacitor to all three amps. I know i should use 4 AWG but i didn't have any at the time and i need a distributor block, as currently i have all three +ve and -ve cables rammed into the terminals of the capacitor, which is a tight squeeze.

I'm rebuilding install over the next couple of days anyway so i'll sort it all out and get a distributor block with 4AWG cabling call round, but just wanna get the remote-on problem fixed.

If you could provide links to what i'd need, that'd be fantastic.

Cheers all.
  Golf Mk3 Gti 8v
if i was you lad i would get rid of the fusion amp and both of the mutants and go and get yourself two mutant 480 sp basically it is 2x280's in as you most probobly know i did this bout 6 months ago best thing i ever did, and if you like you fusion amp for the sub well keep that how it is and just buy one new amp and take away the 2 mutants and then get another remote lead and use that, i use for my 480 sp the standard 15 squid kit from motor world/halfords [ i think they do them?? ] i've not had no prbs as such, YET will wake up to moz and you watch it not work haha,
  Polo + Micra
easy peasey

use the remote to switch a relay then you can run as much as you like as the remote is 12v
  MK1 Clio 16v
I'm thinking of ditching the Fusion kit to be honest, i haven't been overly impressed by my Fusion Sub at all.

Can anyone recommend a decent sub and a decent mono amp that'll give really solid performance? I want something punchy for dance music which will also handle the likes of R&B with their slow basslines.

My fusion sub just sounds to boomy and untidy, damn ported box. I'll never have one of those again..
  Golf Mk3 Gti 8v
with my 480sp that is only using two channels at the minute i've got a jbl gt4 1000w sub which i think for the price you cant beat and im thinking of a good set of jbl compontents for the front which the other two chanels will handle, i think on a cheap budget the set up i have just described is ideal, i like it anyways.
  MK1 Clio 16v
I've already got JBL components upfront powered by the Mutant amp, just need a sub. If i was to get a new amp for the sub i'd go for mono as i hear they are far better. I could be wrong though.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Nothing wrong with ported boxes its all in the design. If you listen to rolling basslines you want a ported box.

Whats your budget for sub amp and a sub? Don't buy mutant again they are tail
  Golf Mk3 Gti 8v
you know loads of people have said that but i have had my jbl sub for 14 months and i bought a 280sp at the same time the only reason i got rid was because i got 24 6x9s and got the 480sp then got a new car scraped the shitty 6x9s and the 280sp and just used the minimum i had to in my opinion if you abuse a mutant amp i.e dont screw it down they break easy or if you blast them ll the time then they break aswell
  MK1 Clio 16v
My budget is around £200 i'd say. I know the JBL subs are good but i just want something that's really gonna sound different to the rest. Something punchy enough so you can feel it in your chest.

I thought of sticking a 10" sub under each seat so i could really 'feel' the bass, but i don't know if there's enough room..
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
If you really want to "feel" the bass you would want a ported enclosure ;)

Have a look at RE Audio for real hard hitting streetbass
