NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!Quote: Originally posted by powelly on 04 February 2004
just need to take it easy on country roads lol!!
oi mister my car goes round bends as good as anything cos its so low and because of the roll cage its like a little go kart thats no the problemQuote: Originally posted by y0z2a on 04 February 2004
miss V has a lot less power to pull her through the bends...
no it wouldnt be lower where i have taken my seats out etc its pretty high now but even with another click it would then be about the same as the frontQuote: Originally posted by RobFenn on 05 February 2004
Powelly, having the back a lot lower than the front isnt a good idea.
alex you cant hear talking on the phone now!!!Quote: Originally posted by Essex_Lad on 05 February 2004
i dread to think wot mine would be like fully stripped!