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Stripping Off

  Broken Diesel Megane :(

right now i have your attention lol

i am taking all the seats out my car tommorrow so was wondering if someone can give me some comprehensive advice?

also needing some major help on the airbags and pretensioners situation.

all help will be very much appreciated.

starting about lunchtime and set aside enough time so i can watch the football at night. this enough time?

cheers guys:approve:
  M2 Competition
Will send you the pm rufus sent me with reference to the front seats...

Backs are dead easy, take 15minutes mate.
Easy job to do, only take about an hour or so to take the lot out.

To take out the rears, bases tilt forwards and lift out. Seatback you need to remove the isofix bar (two torx bolts one either end) then the torx bolt holding the centre bracket to the car, then release the catches that hold the seat up and lift the lot out of the car.

Fronts you need to stick the car on axle stands or ramps then disconnect the battery (and leave it for about 30mins just to be on the safe side). Then disconnect the looms under both seats, once thats get under the car and pull the bungs out of the floorpan on the outer mounting points each side and then its just four nuts per seat and lift them out.
