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Subframes Where???

  172 PH1,Skoda oct VRS
Does anyone know where i can get some subframes to fit mk1 172 that will fit buckets that slide and tilt?????

Thanks guys

  Ultra 197 ex 172 Cup
call them up or just drive to some, and say i need some metal brackets made to bold these seats into my car,
you only need like a bit of angled metal about 4mm thick for strength, saves you forking out £100 each one. or order some, take them to a welder and say can you make me some of these, get them made, then send the ones you brought back to where you got them from
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From my experience fitting seats to the 172 I would never buy universal, or made up subframes - as the floor pan layout is a nightmare. Asymetrical with diffeerent heights on each side.

I got Imola S subframes from cobra and had to proove that I had bought some Cobra seats before they would fabricate them due to cheap copies, and safety purposes.

So my advice would be to save up and buy quality - it will save you alot of hassle.

BTW.. I have some Cobra sliders for sale. [that attach to the subframes.
  Ultra 197 ex 172 Cup
i agree, but i am sure having a bit of bent custom made metal frame is the same buying a manufactured one, plus you can always ge tit made with thicker metal to make it stronger if required. if someone did like a CAD drawing and dimensions i am sure they would be cheap to be make, most machine metal places are like £30 for 1hrs work.

Plus if your worreid about safety, the floor pan of the clios are pretty thin metal and i am sure the floor pan would just rip around the bolt holes easier than the frames bending ? (possibly) ? anyways it was just an alternative suggestion, i you pay enough for the seats, and its just a rip off to have to pay even more to be able to fit them in your car !!!
