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wot do people think bout a sunstrips, look tacky or look the bollox!

i want one for my white RT but dunno if i should get a black sunstrip wit Mean Street cruise on it!

imho they look crap unless they are sat on a BTCC car especially when they have things written on them might as well get kevin and sandra written on it

i was been followed last night by a megane coupe with a sunstrip with coupe written on it my thought was "ya dont ducking say i thought it was a pram " also there is an astra with one on the windscreen and one in the rear screen with astra written on it is it only there so he can remember what car he drives ??

IMO very few sunstrips actually look any good. Has anyone seen Norris Designs Evo VII, that has a very small sunstrip and looks pretty good I think. Also I quite like the BBPT ones.

As for logos on the back, Ill hopefully be getting a KTR one for the back window, as it looks good and not a single car round my way has one on.

I need to get rid of my KTR rear sticker as it will replaced with torsion tuning!! I am not going for a big sunstrip just a subtle sticker on each corner, looks better IMO.

Prat who bought my MkII Astra (yeah I know:oops:) put one on the next day. Mmmmmmm metallic maroon Astra - powder blue sunstrip - yummy:sick:
