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Hi all,

I cliipped my car bumper on a pillow whilst parking, been told t-cut is good for getting little straches out.

Is there any techniques?



Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
T-cut isn't bad mate. Worth a try. Then polish.
On a serious note, machine polishing if you can, if not super resin polish by auto glym.

I would hope that most of that would come out with a decent cutting compound. But wouldn't put my money on it. Could certainly get it looking a lot better!
there you go a Much better pic, there a lil dent at the bottom as you can see... it was a pillow lol just not the ones you sleep on


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member

It'll take the white marks off but it needs repiared and painted.
See this post the quote button doesnt capture the image :s

Still can't see it in the original post :S

Cheers Gallorific. PC will get rid of a lot of that, but not all, still can't really tell how much depth there is there.

Run your finger nails over it, if they catch you need it filling and respraying.

I have the renault touch up paint which i got with my car... I have the white one then you apply the black but i done really want to do that
Still can't see it in the original post :S

Cheers Gallorific. PC will get rid of a lot of that, but not all, still can't really tell how much depth there is there.

Run your finger nails over it, if they catch you need it filling and respraying.


No depth at all just white marks, judging by gally post it should clear up nice if it takes the marks off
Right at the bottom I can see buggered plastic lad. I would personally be worried about ripping paint off with a machine polish.

I would personally talk to a body shop about a quick repair. Shouldn't be too bad.
In all honesty, any thing is worth a try lad. I highly doubt there is going to be much you can do, or even much more damage that you can do. Give it a whirl. Can't be worse than when you started sadly :(


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Take the t-cut over it lad, it'll take your eye off it for the time being until you can afford or want to get it painted.
Cool, thanks for the advice, is there any techniques i.e circle movements, leave it on there for a few mins... I used it once on my old car but not properly i dont think...


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Cool, thanks for the advice, is there any techniques i.e circle movements, leave it on there for a few mins... I used it once on my old car but not properly i dont think...
Just cloth of any kind really rub it on then just rub it off with a bit of elbow grease, it's not going to do any harm.
Cool, thanks for the advice, is there any techniques i.e circle movements, leave it on there for a few mins... I used it once on my old car but not properly i dont think...

Get some Meguirars applicator pads from Halfords. Rub in circular motions until there is a haze. Then wipe off with a clean microfibre towel, again from Halfords.
