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  172 Cup
I've always been a customer of 02/Orange when it comes to phone contracts but having looked at the HTC Hero I have considered T-Mobile.

I'd just like to hear peoples opinions on them generally, what the signal is like and customer services etc.

Ex-Girl friend was on T Mobile for 18 months because of a phone she wanted. 14 months in she had the contract bought out by a lesser evil, i.e. phones4u. Atrocious reception, but this was about three years ago now, may have got better since.
  Mini Cooper S
Never had any issues, I've been with them for about 5/6 years.
Everyone else in my family has been with them for longer!
I had nothing but problems with T-mobile.

Firstly I had terrible reception in my area, which in itself shouldn't really concern anyone. Secondly they were absolutely unable to make my SIM roam. Thirdly, they sold my number onto marketing firms who spammed me constantly with calls and texts for months.


ClioSport Club Member
  Damage repaired
Had T-Mobile just end of last year, reception was terrible and nothing but problems with them. Bought out of a an 18 month contract when i was just 3 months into it, was annoying me that much. With Vodafone now and no problems, missus is on my contract as well, she had same issues with T-Mobile and she travels all over this area(North East). I personally wouldnt touch Orange either, i had nothing but problems with them after i wanted to make a claim for a lost phone, for the first time since being with them for over 10 years.

O2 were pretty good when i went with them for a year, going back to them when my contracts up, fancy the iphone, would stay with Vodafone if they had it..:(
  Fiesta Zetec S TDCi
I've been with them about 7 months and tbh I'm not a fan. Signal's not bad generally but I had major issues with my handset which was sent away to be repaired and came back no better. Because the staff in the shop weren't overly helpful I bought an alternative handset and then had issues getting settings for it from T-Mobile. I won't be staying with them when my contract's up but I still have 11 months left :(
