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Taxing my new car- help


i am picking up my new car on tuesday, the only problem is it doesnt have any tax. Also i havnt yet insured the car so i have no insurance documents etc. As i am buying the car from a garage, it is also probably SORN or whatever they call it. So my query is; how would i go about getting the tax, because i cant go to the p.o. because i wont have the insurance documents through the post yet, also i have to leave time to send the form to the DVLA to tell them that the car is in my name, so i cant do it over the internet either??

what do i do??

(hope that makes sense^^)
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
you cant tax it, the garrage would have to do it, or they wont let you take it untill the car is taxed
  Renault Clio 1.2 RN MK2
well i asked him about them taxing it and they told me they dont do it and that i would have to get it taxed. he let me take the car tho, be warned i got done for no tax the next day by dvla guy that drove past my car.

got 200 quid fine but i got 120 back when i produced the tax disc
so taylor, if i phone the garage 2mrw and ask for them to tax it for me, they should be able to do that without a problem??even though i think the car has been without tax for roughly a month whilst in the garage??
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
so its not brand new? if its brand new they can use AFRL to tax it ( a dealership taxing system) if its 2nd hand they will need your insurance certificate to tax it, ubless they tax it in the dealers name but the V5 would have to reflect this...

they should have discussed this with you :S
:S im so the car is not new. Well iv just finished insuring my car now, so the papers should be with me soon, but surely the v5 will not be in my name anyway as i will have to send it off??

thanks for your help, i apprechiate it!!
  Clio 182
I bought my car from a small garage and he taxed it for me. Only thing is there will be an extra owner as he had to register it in his own name. So I have to wait for the V5 to come back so it can be in my own. I should have waited that extra day when the insurance papers come through :dapprove: .lol
well i spoke 2 him and he said he would tax it for me, i suppose he will have to put it in his name, but im not to bothered really!!im just really impatient!!
  Milltek'd 182
tax isnt in anyones name mate, just need the disc. garages should do it no problem...well the one i work for does, doesnt need to be in the garage name either. Just send the V5 off when you get it, you can insure it before they send u the one saying that you are the new owner...all u need is the little green tear off slip so that if you get stopped by the police you can show its urs.

Hope this helps. Dave
