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Temp Gauge problem


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
When i accelerate hard the temperature gauge goes down lol. I'm guessing my thermostat is stuck open? Increase in revs causes the water to pump around quicker making it cooler?


ClioSport Club Member
yea some one on here had this and i have also had this problem and the thermostat fixed it but there was another person on here whos car it didnt fix


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
It did it on a track day today, but after i'd finished, drove about 50 miles then it was ok all the way home.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
If i accelerate hard in 2nd it will go almost go right down to the bottom.


ClioSport Club Member
Yea thats right thats the fault i had. Might have been day that had the problem before iirc. bit unsure though


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Seamed ok today, only drove 7 miles though, car appeared to warm up very quickly though.
  Lots of Alfas
This appears to be normal in all the 172s ive driven. Ive noticed some 0-60 vids on youtube of clios the temp guage bobs down a bit when acelerating hard. The thermostat stays permantly open once the coolant has reached about 80degrees. If your acelerating hard at the same time your water pump is pumping faster and air is rushing in through the radiator, this is the only explanation i can think of.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
My 172 never moved once warm, and my 182 never had untill about 30 mins of hard not stop track work.
  Lots of Alfas
Cant find the examples on youtube now, it is odd that some do it and some dont, dont think its anything to worry about.
i thought it sounded like an electrical (gauge/sender) problem as i wondered that, if the thermostat is open, the radiator should be full and circulating anyway (?). is the gauge sender in the radiator?
  Lots of Alfas
The guage sender is on the thermostat housing, near the bleed screw. It tells the guage and the ecu the coolant temp and also activates the coolant temp warning light. IIRC they are only about £20 from renault, if your gonna change it youll need to stick some new type d coolant in there too..I wouldnt bother if the car runs ok, mines always done it (only when weather is cold).
was thinking of fan switches; couldn't be in the rad on reflection as you'd not get a reading until the 'stat opened!
  BMW 118d
I had this probelem with mine after 30mins of driving the temp gauge would drop to zero...found that the cts had a dodgy connection, put a small tie wrap around the sensor connector and its been fine ever since.


ClioSport Club Member
I would try that first as 182 did have connection issues. ive never had the needle move once warm in mine and ive never seen one move.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Alright cheers for that, rought cost? I'll see if it does it again when i go for a long trip.
  BMW 118d
i dont know off the top of my head mate il get a price in work tomoz and post back if thats any good to you?


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
If you don't mind? Only want rough price on the part. Dependant on cost depends if i fix it, tyres, insurance and servicing to pay for this month as it is.
