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The boat has been sunk :-(

  SLK 350
Well as of yesterday The PirateBay (torrent site) fell by the wayside and sank to the bottom of the copyright sea, after a barrage of gay camp sailors by the name of Vivendi/MPAA (and more).

They've evaded the legal evangelists for sometime now, dodging behind the (once) outdated swedish laws and legal loopholes. However sadly their premises were raided by the police yesterday who prompted removed their server racks for interrogation.

Personally i'm sad to see the site go, its been a stable medium for a number of years now, and somewhere i frequented on occasion for my (free)wares.

They are going to continue fighting, and perhaps something will rise from the ashes, but for now the beloved has been overcame.

Booooooo hissssss! :(
:( ive been on it a few times, loads and loads of stuff, but the thing that did my head in about that site was the amout of people that would "hit and run" - meanin as soon as tehy downloaded it, they would close the torrent, so it'd get to the point that there were no seeders for anythin :/


Go Vivendi go.:D They pay my wages. lol

Get yourself on some decent newgroups, you can get what you want and usually faster.
