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Tom Tom 500 questions

Im after a sat nav system which will work both in tthe UK and abroad and with the ability to know where speed cameras traps are.

As far as I can see the tom tom 500 is the best value option from for £452.

Does anyone else have any recomendation and also what else do i need to get it to work in the car do I need another airial?

If its for your Williams, itll work no probs with the built in aerial.

Its only the silly windscreens in 172/182s it has problems with, hehe.

Quote: Originally posted by Daz on 22 August 2005

If its for your Williams, itll work no probs with the built in aerial.
Its only the silly windscreens in 172/182s it has problems with, hehe.
Nope the Williams isnt going on the road any more its for its tow car and the diesel.

Maplin have 500s for sale at £469
