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tomtom question

  Clio Sport 172
i want to upgrade the memory card in my tomtom, do just buy a normal sd card and copy everything off the old one onto the new and it will work is there a nother way?

  Clio 182
Hi Si,

Yes you are able to copy the data from the SD card onto the new one, anyone with a tomtom go 300 needs to do this if they want to add additional voices or the speedy camera detector software

  Clio Sport 172
thanks for the reply i tryed this and my tomtom told me off lol, its gave me a little animation telling me to put the origional card in :(
  Clio Dynamique
Not sure but the tom tom may require certain files at the start of the sd card in the same may you have a boot loader at the start of your hard drive. Did you do a backup then a restore with the tomtom software on your pc?
