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Tuners North of the Border

Is there any decent Renualt tuners in Scotland does anyone know? I know of none so any suggestions!?

theres feck all tuners up here. Compared to England theres nowhere near the amount of modded cars either.

There are a few tuners here but I wouldnt touch with a large barge pole.

Exactly what are you looking for?

Just wanted to look at my options - fancy a bit more power - not much. Until I get my AP22 I cant see how fast it is std for a comparason. The nearest rolling road is in fife so sod that.

I could /de-cat/chip/filter but it seems to be open to question if that helps much. I know nothing when it comes to N/A tuning - cams? TBs? dunno - TBs are very expensive I think so cams maybe but I dont know what is any difference that would make - or how much they are!

Where are you located?

I have rollers near to me (AVA beside Glasgow airport, about 5 miles away). Price has gone up, 50 quid a run these days!

De-cat, zorst and filter will get you a wee bit more power, dont expect to be eating supras though with them.

With NA engines, basically to get more power you need to free up the air flow into and out of the engine, when thats done as much as it can, all you can do then is spin the engine faster. Turbos are far easier to get power from.

TBs are not cheap, cams are not what I would class as cheap but they do give an increase and are reasonably easy to fit.

Cams, filter, zorst you shoudl see at LEAST a 10bhp increase and a similar amount in torque.

With decent headwork you should get another 10bhp and you should get a gain everywhere in the rev range if its done porerly.

Forgot about this thread - Cheers Chris_H -

I may be down to AVA to get it RRd anyway. My cousin stays in Glasgow so he may be up for getting his RX7 RRd once he gets his de-cat. I want mine done as std first but AVA only give you the at the wheels figure dont they! Dunno cheers anyway!
