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ClioSport Club Member
  Twingo RS133 & 172
Could someone tell me if you can take the tweeters out of the front dash on a mk2 ph2 by taking out the 2 air vents and getting to them that way?
  Mégane RS
i've heard a few people say you can take them out by twisting the grill, but i've heard others say its a dash off job
  Nike Lunar Elite's
Apparently you can but its quite fidly, plus when you replace them you can guarentee they will rattle. Taking the top dash off is only a 5-10min job anyway


ClioSport Club Member
  Twingo RS133 & 172
Yeah but ive got a ph2 which is harder to take off because its got a passenger airbag and you have to really pull at it. So could you get to it by taking off the 2 air vents?
  Nike Lunar Elite's
I've got a passenger airbag on my ph1, it makes no difference as its not attached to the top dash at all.
  Clio 172
In the phase one it's a dash off job as the grills are fixed to the dash. The tweeters then push out of their holders and you lift them out. I thought this photo would show the tweeters, but at least you can see that passenger airbag is separate from the dash.

  "Navy" N17 TWO
Then the dash should just lift off, I think

I want to get under my dash too (04 Dynamique)

Do you have to disconnect any electrics before removing the dash?
Don't want the airbags or anything popping out!
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
to be on the safe side unplug the battery 5mins before you remove the dash. some people say 20mins to be ultra safe but most say 5mins will suffice
I had my Trophy's dash off at the weekend, and it is literally a cover, there is nothing mounted on the underside and it's simply a case of unscrew and work it free. You do have to remove the A-pillar trim first though.
