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two things

1. with the remote central locking, how far away should you be able to unlock the car from. i have a mk2 99 model and at the moment you have to point the key directly at the sensor by the sunroof and even then it doesnt always work first time. is my battery flat or are they all like this?

2. when i press down my clutch there is a creaking noise which sounds like a cable that is rubbing or is too tight. i can only hear it when at a stand still or engine is off. i dont remember it always doing this.

any ideas?


1. Consensus appears to be yes, some work from quite a step away, some need to be pressed on the glass or even in the car.

2. No idea - I havent got a clutch. I drive what my grandad (God rest his soul) always described as not a proper car.
