All bof ba bsudden bmy bkeyb oard bhas b'g'one ball brandom, bput[[tin'g'' bex[tra ble[t[ters bin bmy words.
All of a sudden my keyboard has gone all random, putting bracket
in my words as above. [this has been corrected painstakingly!)
A few weeks ago I spilt some squash in my keyboard but it was fine since is this broken keyboard or virus??
Mainly has problems bwit[h b[the bg', b[t bor b b bkeys band bnow bif bI b[type ba b bracke[t bI bg'et[b a b[t bor ba bspace b bar bI bg'et[ bb ba b b....
All of a sudden my keyboard has gone all random, putting bracket
in my words as above. [this has been corrected painstakingly!)
A few weeks ago I spilt some squash in my keyboard but it was fine since is this broken keyboard or virus??
Mainly has problems bwit[h b[the bg', b[t bor b b bkeys band bnow bif bI b[type ba b bracke[t bI bg'et[b a b[t bor ba bspace b bar bI bg'et[ bb ba b b....