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urgent help needed!!!


ClioSport Club Member
i think my bird is cheating and i need to retrive her old deleted emails. i once saw a website that didt this. can someone help me find it again please

it wud really mean alot.

  Not a Clio
what client are the emails in and what email account is it?

If she uses gmail but downloads them to outlook you may find them all still in her online account ;)

If it turns out she isn't and she finds out what you did / trying to do she won't take it lightly.... just be aware of that!


ClioSport Club Member
dont worry i told her im doing it? just need to find the website. i think its under private investigators in the uk or something. please help


ClioSport Club Member
there are companies out there that do it all for you and you dont even need there password. ovbiously they charge. please find it
  RB 182
Give me a copy of the hard drive and i'll do it if you want ;)

FTK (Forensic ToolKit) and EnCase is what we use for getting back emails really.
  172 Cup
It's one thing retreiving old emails from a hard drive (Outlook, Thunderbird etc) but retrieving them from remote servers (Hotmail, Gmail etc) is another matter entirely.
  RB 182
eugegall said:
on hotmail without an password. can you do that/ how do i get you a copy of hardrive?
Forensically hotmail is a real pain, like other webmail accounts because the only thing you can work from is temp files created by the web browser.

If you send over files from the Temp Internet folder then I could probably have a look at them.

Other thing you could do is change her password by filling out the answer to the security question which is usally piss easy ;)
  172 Cup
eugegall said:
but can it be done. ill pay anyone who can do it

Obviously Hotmail/Gmail etc aren't going to give you (or anyone else) access to their servers. Unless she's been careless and stored something locally you've got no chance.

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Surely if you've told her what your doing ans suspect shes cheating hasnt all the trust gone already before you hack into her personal stuff, maybe time to move on mate?
