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Vee’s @ Spa

Little Newms

ClioSport Club Member
  182, D2 Td5 & 840CI

How did they do? Was a good chance to compare them to the 182s.... Was there much differance? I know it was easier for the 182s to push more but just wondering??? Not starting a fight or an argument lol :oops:

Cant comment about Spa but I went round in both at the Nruburgring, the Vee was faster and more balanced but then thats what Id expect seeing as its mid engined.



Jeremy took me around Spa in his. As Pete says they feel a lot more stable and nicely balanced. It did want to understeer through some corners, but Jeremy had that under control and kept it nice and smooth.


  911 GTS Cab

definitely faster on the straights, more grip on the corners, more relaxed and stable and sounded better.

So, no, they werent any better really;)
