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Virgin BB fucked?

  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
had no proper internet for 2 days now, any1 else or is it just me?? status says down so pressuming a lot of us are affected
  White Sti Hatch
Mines fine although a bit slow past couple of days.....There upgrdaing the Service so maybe why yours is down mate
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
hmm not convinced my line speed in this area won't get more than 4mb....apparently but anyway that doesn't seem to be the issue, bah hurry up i wanna connect to my machine from work, got thingsto do!
  Evo 8 Jap Crap
Re: Virgin BB f**ked?

I had problems with my internet being down for a couple of days, turned out my router had lost sync with the cable modem

Disconnect power from cable modem and then your router.

Reconnect modem and when "solid" cable light is on power up your router

worked for me anyway :eek:
  Evo 8 Jap Crap
well put it this way earlier in the week i was on the net and it suddenly went down, next day it wasnt back up so i restarted my cable modem and still nothing.

Went to work, came back and it still didnt work.

Rang up virgin only to be told the network was working ok and was i using a router.

Then i did what i posted above and it worked, virgin guy said sometimes routers lose sync with the cable modem even though you have it connected 24/7


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Parents place has also been seeign the same issue.

the south east seems to be fookered virgin wise. My mate has had no net for 3 weeks now.

only works when his router is not in place. (tried 3 routers)

Mine keeps loosing sync at home but only after a good few days. wish virgin would sort their asses out!
I had the same problems, had no service for about 6 weeks, turns out it was the modem and cable, i now have to connect via USB. The most annoying thing is the amount Virgin charge to call their BB call centre, must have spent £20 on calls.

Ive never experienced such bad customer service in my life, wish id have gone with Sky.
  A4 Avant
My brothers has been screwed on and off for the past 9 months. They have refunded him 5 months payments for the broadband. Most of the time he can't connect or when he can it's like being on dial up.

Whilst at his this weekend the service was down. They don't seem to want to do anything about it so he's changing to a different service provider.
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
so annoying because prior to the past 2 weeks it was fine for a good few months. guess i'll be rining up their tech support.
Sign up to their newsgroup and you'll get online tech support within a 4 hour SLA...
I posted with a problem at 8pm last night, within 14 minutes an engineer was looking at my connection.
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
did you have to put in a virginmedia email addy? god knows what ours is, never use that thing argh
Apologies for the thread revival,

thinking of taking Virgin Media 10 meg package.

Anyone got any reviews on the router that comes with? does it have CAT5 ports and could I purchase my own if i wanted?

Have they ironed out any creases for any of the disgruntled?
I'll be in oxford, so I don't know what the area is like for it. anyone?
  Mercedes AMG GLE 53
Re: Virgin BB f**ked?

I had problems with my internet being down for a couple of days, turned out my router had lost sync with the cable modem

Disconnect power from cable modem and then your router.

Reconnect modem and when "solid" cable light is on power up your router

worked for me anyway :eek:

I had to do that a while back
have they removed the "acceptable usage" traffic shaping ? I can't find any evidence of it on their site.

Was it virgin media that sent letters to it's customers that it thought were downloading pirate media?
