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Visual Basic Help Please...

  Saxo VTS
Yes it's assingment time again and as usual FincH wasn't listening properly in class!

I've got a nasty file handling exercise to do and am a bit stuck on formating me trusty old text files!

Open App.Path & "\Customerlist.txt" For Append As #1
    Dim a As String
    a = txtNewname.Text + vbNewLine
    Write #1, a
Close #1

That's the code I'm using to create, write and add to a file of customers names. All well and good but when I output the file using the following code:

Open App.Path & "\Customerlist.txt" For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, temp$
alltext$ = alltext$ & temp$ & vbNewLine
lstCustomers.AddItem alltext$
Close #1

The data output to the list box looks like this:

"Dave Hedgehog""Spud Gun""Richard Richard"

Where as I need it to be each name on a new line and without the quote marks.

Please someone help me! I'll give you my pet Ant called Larry!

You are forced to do VB when at uni/college normally, cannot do any other languages as C# and if you do, they are optional units which are limited or your dissertation.

Rubbish :(

try vbCrLf instead of new line ;)

and use something propper like C# next time!


  Non RS : (
Open App.Path & "\Customerlist.txt" For Append As #1
Dim a As String your c**k round your neck loser
a = txtNewname.Text +Tez=this thread bores me vbNewLine please
Write. about.some -othershite #1, a
Close down your computer ....NOW #1
  Saxo VTS
Cheers guys. Yeah we've had to use PASCAL, C and now VB.

Open App.Path & "\Customerlist.txt" For Append As #1
Dim a As String your c**k round your neck loser
a = txtNewname.Text +Tez=this thread bores me vbNewLine please
Write. about.some -others**te #1, a
Close down your computer ....NOW #1

What's your problem c**k muncher? :D


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
and use something propper like C# next time!

I've been doing some stuff in C# at work recently and while it and .net are actually pretty good technology I still feel like I'm using a "toy" language because of its speed. I'm amazed at how slow winforms and graphics stuff actually is in it.

Nice language (well it's C on steroids). Nice frameworks. If they just sorted out the performance issues I'd be convinced. (well partially, cross platform becomes a problem - and no, mono doesn't count!).
